Aug 1, 2015

Back in Bermuda, the black and white edition

Yes, I just left here 6 weeks ago  ;-) but was asked if I would house sit for a few days and I jumped at the chance as this time of year I can get Jen and Erin down to the island with me.  Given it's just a quick 10 day trip and I'm playing tour guide vice hardcore photographe I decided to do something different.  Set the Fuji X100s and X-T1 to black and white and that is where they are staying.  If I can resist colour in this amazing place I can do it anywhere.   I also have raw turned on so there are colour versions available to me to look at during a later date if I so choose.  

The other part is I'm doing all of this with an IPad mini.   Left the laptop at home.  I have the mobile version of lightroom and what a pain trying to figure out how to move files around but discovered that if I share to G+ then I can snag them from google for the blog.   Only 2 days left in the trip and we lost 3 days to rain but got a few pictures I like.   Some of these are a bit out of my comfort zone but have to say I'm enjoying living in monochrome.

As I said, crappy weather when we arrived but made for nice moody skies.

Inside the cave at Tom Moore's jungle.   It was a hot humid day and a Bermuda holiday (Cup Match) so locals were taking a swim in the cool waters.

I love this floor.

Jen "Monroe" at the Frog and Onion

Caught Erin posing for her mother but have me a great angle to sneak a shot in.

Did I mention I like this floor?

The clocktower at the Royal Naval Dockyard and the "Spirit of Bermuda" a beautiful Bermuda sloop.

One of the feeders at the Bermuda aquarium, I like this shot.  It's a harp seal.

A lemur hiding in the trees.

An otter came out to say hi.

Not something you see everyday.  A dog on the back, a kid on the front.  Both having a great time.

Hamilton was pretty quiet during cup match.

He was checking out my beer.

Not sure what these berries are but the bird like them.

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